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A simplified dissolution of marriage is when both parties are in agreement with the terms of their divorce, neither party is seeking alimony, nor there are any minor children. The parties must be prepared to sign a written agreement, which will then be presented to the court at a final hearing.

Virtually the same regular divorce rules apply as to who may file for a simplified divorce:

  • The parties must be legally married,
  • At least one spouse must have lived in the state of Florida for at least six (6) months before filing for divorce in court, and
  • The marriage is “irretrievably broken.” If all of these requirements are met, and both parties cooperate to advance the case forward, simplified divorce cases are generally completed promptly and efficiently.

Absent special circumstances, simplified divorces are generally resolved quickly. At Strategic Family Attorney, P.A., we do everything we can to swiftly bring simplified dissolution of marriage cases to a close so that both parties may move forward and find a new way of life as soon as possible. Contact us for a consultation.

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